Thursday, April 30, 2009

Discovering chinese food

Doamne! eram fericita ca in sfarsit pot sa imi gatesc ceva mancare! 
Si-mi era pofta de ou fiert cu sare! Ca de Paste nu am avut ce ciocni!
Numai ca surpriza! Asa arata un ou proaspat cumparat de la supermarket, cand nu sti sa citesti  ce cumperi!
Inutil sa spun ce miros au aceste oua proaspete! Imi curge nasul si dupa o juma de ora de cand le-am aruncat!
Am vrut China, o am!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tea market

I studied 4 years for my PhD about tea.
Conclusion: I do not know nothing about tea!
At least no if I compare myself with this guy!

Night by night life...

For the moment... not too many night moments

Students are students, everywhere. Some of my fellows will comment maybe... we are researchers, but... tot o apa si-un pamant!

Daca seara/nopatea ti se face foame, nici o problema. Ai ce alege!
Poate fructe

Sau ceva carnita. Bineinteles, nu sti niciodata ce mananci.
La una din mesele ``festive`` am avut impresia ca mananc larve de ceva . Pacat ca nu am facut poze. Nu voi sti niciodata ce am mancat.
Gratarele astea ambulante sun accesibile oricui: o frigaruie costa de regula 2 yuani (adica 1 leu).

Poti sta si la o bere cu prietenii, dar asta daca poti bea bere, calda, calduta, potrivita, nu chiar asa de calda... etc. Mai rar bere la gheata!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Next stop - Harbin

The first night in Harbin (01.04.2009) began, again, with a ``visit`` at the traditional cuisine!

Hen hao!

Carnaciori ca la noi acasa. `Porcarii``la fel de gustoase!

Second day, some classes - finally, it is a intercultural training.

The hotel it is one of the best in Harbin, but people are the same everywhere... allways find the same type of solutions!

First contact with people on the streets. Yes! This is one of the China`s faces!

And if you ever come here, REMEMBER the 1st rule for crosing the streets: STAY ALIVE!

The streets are clean! Somethimes too clean!

Cred si eu.... cu asa cosuri de gunoi....

Influenta ruseasca peste tot. Mersul pe strazi imi trezea un straniu sentiment de revolta.

In week-endul ala era ``seara celebrarii mortii``. Oamenii ardeau la colt de fiecare strada gramajoare de hartie galbena=bani, pentru celebrarea celor plecati de printre ei!

Ortodox church! Only in the northen China you can see them.

We were lucky! Listen some music! Intresting experience, but not more!

The church is more for the turists and for the magazines pictures!

The spring is here! The river, the main source for the ice sculptures, actually the main resource for a lot of things, needs to receive his spring clouths.

But some things must remain! The relicts...
Or the habit to cross the river on ice! In April, on 15 C degree....hmmm, crazy man
Other habits are really moving!
Caligraphy, amazing art!
We say goodby to our first target!
Next stop: Shanghai!